Wednesday 6 July 2011

Defiance: story with a heart, vision in the shadow!!!!!!!!!!

Some questions in mind…………
How many movies are made on world wars?????? The answer could be dozens, Saving Private Ryan and Spielberg’s specials would top the list…..don’t they.
How many movies are made on people who were natives and actually faced the problems??? The counts come down, distinguish remembering is Roberto Benigini’s Life is Beautiful.
How many movies are made on holocaust and suffering of Jews??? Again the list goes on starting Schindlers List.
But how many movies are made on Jews showing Defiance???? Hmmmmmm..
Well here is a movie which has a sincere message by heart that Jews also had their own heroes, America (read Hollywood) need not create them. Sometimes it makes me think the situation of Hollywood, had Adolf Hitler wouldn’t have rose to power. Though America politically benefited, it much commercially benefited America most popular and important industry…HOLLYWOOD

Here is a story about resilience of group of free Jews against the German encroachment.  Noble by heart a story of hope and humanity is what distinguishes the story of Defiance from the other Hollywood movies on world wars. Though by the treatment given to the concept the film struggles hard to differentiate itself from the Hollywood World War movie. The ambience created in the story is not different from what previously seen in masterpieces by War expert Spielberg like, Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan.
The story revolves around Tuvia and his brothers Rus and Asael Beilski, of Belarusian origin, who have seen their parents been killed by Nazis and they run in the forest to hide. Soon they become aware that there are many of their kind in the forest. Rus and subsequently Tuvia learn about their respective wives death from the people joining them. A group of brothers is now transformed in a small community of fled Jews from nearby villages. They form their own brigade and how this brigade faces the test of human behavior among themselves; form the rest of the story.
As story goes ahead the filmmaker Edward Zwick substantively captures the anguish, disturbance as Jews struggle among themselves, forgetting the situation that lead them there. It considerable fails to make audience relate with various characters, as the character and their relations slowly look like prototype making story predictable, and far from real.
Till the end of the film, filmmaker firmly relies on his three main characters and their transition through the story that justifies the plot to considerable extent.
The acting by various actors in the film is quite sincere. As the film is about human relations the film gets the advantage of the sincere efforts by the artists.
At the end of the film the audience might find difficult to relate their brains rationally though, film effectively connects to the people’s hearts, and at the end that’s what matters.

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